Saturday, October 17, 2009

Says who #13

It never ceases to amaze that people often go out of their way to state their particular worldview that all worldview are basically the same. How self-defeating! But if you hear them carefully they are actually saying "all beliefs are wrong EXCEPT MINE!", which makes them guilty of the same alleged hypocrisy that they accuse others of. A true neutralist never speaks a single word for or against. Probe; don't parrot.

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他跟她是隔壁班 每當他出現在她的面前 她都愛靜觀他的一舉一動 然後幻想兩個人在一起的畫面 中學時期過了 當然兩個人也沒在一起 是他因為害怕而錯過了 二十年後 他們重遇在他的工作室 成了要好的朋友 她問他有沒有喜歡的人 他愣住了...