Saturday, December 17, 2005

Paradise lost

What a great day to start saturday by hiding under the sheets from the early morning chill. And then the worst that you can imagine happened. My neighbor's newly installed home alarm system got set off at 7:50 in the morning, waking the whole paradise with a rude and abiding cock-a-doodle-doo.

It happened that two gardeners weren't aware of my next-door neighbor's latest widget and triggered the buzz as they were trying the gates to enter. Thus giving birth to the first ever case of false alarm in the 20-year history of the idyllic neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Wah finally i can read on something that i can understand easily! hehehehe ;-)

therese said...

That explains it! I was wondering why you woke up earlier than usual on a Saturday morning ;P

Tin Soldier said...

Ah Pui: Really? You mean I'm finally speaking one of your earth languages?

Therese: I had made a point to get up early for the Narnia tickets, just so happened that my neighbor's alarm went off a little earlier and a lot louder than mine!!

Anonymous said...

ah pui: He use barbaric words that is why you can understand..he just woke up that's why you can still understand, wait till sunset comes,and the batman comes alive..(Scary)

Anonymous said...

Yeah Shay....i just hope he would continue to use his barbaric words..i have very limited understanding of english...:)

Anonymous said...

Me too. I guess it's good to learn new words sometimes, it improves our english.Dictinary become my good friend suddenly. Which country are you from ahpui?

Tin Soldier said...

Shay, Ah Pui is a.k.a. Amazing Grace!

Anonymous said...

oopsie! Thought ahpui is a guy..haha..Hello Grace!


他跟她是隔壁班 每當他出現在她的面前 她都愛靜觀他的一舉一動 然後幻想兩個人在一起的畫面 中學時期過了 當然兩個人也沒在一起 是他因為害怕而錯過了 二十年後 他們重遇在他的工作室 成了要好的朋友 她問他有沒有喜歡的人 他愣住了...